New Music: Band of Skulls, Baby Darling Doll Face Honey

Band of Skulls

Band of Skulls

Band of Skulls is a new 3-piece british band that has recently released its debut album, Baby Darling Doll Face Honey.  You can listen to the whole album on their website.  This band is getting a lot of attention right out of the gate and for good reason.  Bassist/vocalist Emma Richardson looks and sounds like a young Chrissy Hynde (but hotter).  Guitarist/vocalist Russell Marsden sounds like a cross between Caleb Followill and Jack White (but hotter).  Drummer Matt Hayward is intense without being overwhelming (but he’s not quite so hot).  This is definitely a new band you will want to check out and will keep listening to for a long time to come.  They are going to be huge (remember, you heard it here first).